Sunday, May 23, 2010

Anger Propels Me

Is anger good or bad? I was raised to think that it was bad, that to express it meant you were weak, uncontrollable and volatile. In the workplace anger is especially looked down upon. In relationships, well, I guess it depends on the therapist. ;)

Looking back into my recent past, anger has become a normal part of my relationship. When I express it, it rarely turns out well. I end up feeling like shit about myself because a) I got angry and b) because I expressed to the person who I felt anger towards. So, I tried repressing it. That never turns out well either because if it's there it has to come up and out.

Thinking about it over and over and journalling about it, it finally dawned on me that this is the emotion that propels me. It always has been that driving force that allows me to break out of behaviour that is acceptable to everyone else and just be me. Used as revenge, it is not appropriate, hence much of my hateful and hurtful behaviour towards ex lovers, but when used simply to make better decisions or decisions at all, in some cases, that usually works out well for me.

Anger towards my overprotective mother and emotionally distant father propelled me to move across the country to start my life. Anger towards my selfish husband finally propelled me to leave. Anger at work propels me to accomplish more than the normal overachiever....all of these reminders have allowed me to feel differently towards the emotion I was so eager to judge.

I see it differently now. Anger is my friend. Anger can be guided and molded into a positive that can help me accomplish greatness. Most of all, it is part of me and is neither good nor bad. It just is. I accept it in me and will use it for Good and no longer Evil. Yea me!

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