Monday, August 30, 2010

High In Love

No, literally speaking.  I don't partake in mind altering activities too often but I did this weekend.  I had forgotten how, well, clear headed I feel when I'm high.  Seriously, clear headed.  Everything makes perfect sense and I make total sense when I express myself. 

We kissed for what seemed like hours.  I was totally in the moment.  It felt amazing and beautiful and exactly like what we should be doing when we're together.  I never wanted it to end, but then I realized that we had been kissing for what seemed like hours and everyone around us (which was probably nobody) must have thought we were the most boring couple at the party...and then I just cracked up laughing!

We laughed a lot that night.  As it should be.   HE was very charming, as HE always is however, HE was not mad at me, or guarded.  It was lovely.  HE was loving.  HE opened up to me and told me things that HE used to tell me.  I felt very close to him...

I was high in love and now I float around thinking of our amazing time together.

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