Saturday, February 26, 2011

Morning Love

HE ripped the covers from atop me and scooted down between my thighs to my freshly sugared private parts.  "Mmmm your pussy is so smooth," HE commented.  My sparkly crimson heart, strategically placed, caught his eyes and produced a little smile. I could feel his warm breath blanket my pussy just before HE dove in. 

His tongue, like a wet explorer looking for refuge, investigated the area thoroughly causing my hips to begin moving into his face.  I could feel the tingly sensation in my toes as HE sucked and licked me.  His fingers penetrated me just slightly to tease. 

There's that moment when I'm ready to come but I don't want to because it just feels so I hold back.  But HE knows what I am doing so HE drives his tongue deeper into my hole and sucks my clit the way HE does, knowing it will push me over the edge.  When HE knows I am coming, HE slides his finger deeper inside to feel my orgasmic contractions. 

His smile grew bigger as HE slid his warm body over mine and plunged his hot rod into me.  Good morning to me!

Stay Tuned, Continued...

So, the couple, I'll call them PB&J, have expressed to us that they are slightly hesitant to get together because they have had two experiences now, with newbies, that have turned out poorly.  They want to make sure that we are ready to take the next step and, while they feel that we all have chemistry, really are concerned at just jumping into things. 

It's lovely that they are concerned.  Now I see the reason it would be better to know someone before having sex than to just have one night stands.  They care about their play dates.  It's very sweet and enlightening to me.

We have decided to have dinner with them and do a soft swap to see how things go.  No date set yet but I'll report on the progress.

As far as our relationship goes, it gets better every day.  I feel close to him and I trust him in this situation.  I think it will be fun and exciting. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Skinny Bitch

It's a book, yes.  But it's also what I will be,without fail, this summer.  I'm not sure what happened but all of a sudden, I became sick of how I looked.  I'm not fat.  I'm not ugly.  I'm tall, pretty, and sexy as hell (LOL).  But I am truly about 30 lbs overweight.  Thank buddah I'm tall because most people think that there's no way I could lose that much (or else they are all just fucking liars afraid of being real....which is a possibility also) but they don't see me naked, and they don't know how I can look.  But I do and I know. 

Today was the start of a revamp!  A beauty makeover of sorts.  hee hee Aging has proved me to be somewhat vain. I hate to admit that but I am not doing so well with the whole aging thing.  And it doesn't help when HE points out all the gray hairs I seem to acquire daily! (Yes, I know HE loves me despite my hair color....but this is all about how I feel about myself.) 

So, phase one:  bleaching the teeth.  I have great teeth but I think this American diet really takes its toll on slight discoloration....oh, and you are nobody if you don't have sparkly teeth.  (It's an ugly American trait to want to keep up with the cool kids in town.)

Phase two:  I actually, for the first time in my 44 years, died my hair with grocery store color.  And it's pretty awesome.  No more least for a few weeks anyway.

Phase three:  Drop 30 lbs.  This one will be the hardest as I love, love, love food.  Sorry Carnalis, I may have to not read your blog so often because it inspires me so often.  ;)  And it is serious foreplay when we share a meal.  HE loves food as much as I do and we do not hold back if we are in the mood to try something delicious.

Hopefully you won't mind if I blog sometimes about my struggles and my successes with this transformation. Who knows, maybe I'll even post before and after photos....

Day one is almost over.  It wasn't that hard to adhere to the plan, but I found myself a little bit hungry this evening.  So I ate a little bit more than the 600 calories allowed, but lettuce and chicken doesn't seem like a bad alternative if I overate. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Still High

Our sex is always, well, spectacular.  I'm not just saying that for the public or to brag.  It is just so!  Fitting puzzle pieces, chemistry, whatever....but it's just always great.  We added a little, ummmm, herb into the mix over the weekend and OMG....can we say multiple multiple orgasms? 

HE kissed and touched me for what seems like hours.  His fingers danced around my clit and then dove into my sweet spot to feel my slippery desire.  My hands wandered beneath the covers to find his cock at full attention.  With the Slippery Stuff already coating my palm, it was easy to glide up and down his shaft feeling the entirety of his manhood.   Then, at the height of excitement, HE slid his cock inside of me.  It felt like it had been reinforced with steel rods as he pumped me until I came again and again and again! 

The whole experience was like riding a roller coaster but really slowly.  The foreplay was like the anticipation of the climb, and the climax was like the loss of control on the fall; mmmmmmm it was a session I will not long forget.

I am savoring every moment of that night and still floating, from the high. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Meet and Greet

We've narrowed in on a couple.  We have met them, finally, face to face, a few times and I think this could be the couple we have our first encounter with!  She is cute, contagious smile, smart, easy to talk with.  He is quiet, thin, cute, and he has those dark eyes that stare right through you.  They have been together for over two decades and it was her idea to start fooling around with other couples.

We have talked about them and us.  I think they would be a great first step in finding out if we want to have sex with others, together.  We invited them to dinner and "dessert".  I'm not sure if they are actually attracted to us but I don't think I'm sure about any signals given or held back in these situations.

For the first time we spread our wings a bit and talked to other couples as well.  The room was full of sexual energy as it seemed everyone knew each other.  Grab ass and kissy face were the two most popular activities that I could see.  That's just not me....the whole PDA thing.  I am more discreet.  Maybe I'm, that doesn't feel right.  I just like to keep my flirting and sex between me and my partner.

I saw him look over at me once.  His glance lingered for just a second then he was off again chatting up lots of couples.  She seems very interested in him.  We discussed dinner and she said, "I will sit next to him."  She told me I could sit next to her man.  Ummmmmm, not sure about that but maybe I should just go with it.

The other couples were amusing and boisterous and festive.  It was fun.  I felt more comfortable than I had ever felt.  I am excited for the future, whatever it may hold and most of all, I'm excited that HE is by my side.  If we get together it is supposed to be next weekend.  Stay tuned.  I will report back on the experience.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I spoke to my dad today after a few weeks of leaving messages.  It's not like him to ignore my phone calls but, I figured, he was busy.  He called me today and after expressing his affection I asked him how he was doing.  He laughed then said, "I'm fine now," which alerted me that something was wrong.

He had just spent a week in the hospital after being hit from behind by a semi-truck.  His truck was totaled; his head was split open, and he sustained a few more bumps and bruises as well.  "Oh my god, why didn't you tell me?" I asked.  "I didn't want to worry you.  Everyone asked if they could call you and I told them no," he said.  I cried.

I don't understand protecting someone like he did.  Maybe I am too selfish to understand not wanting to worry someone so much that I'd rather suffer in the hospital and not speak to them until I know I'm ok.  HE  claims that that's why HE didn't tell me about the other women.  HE says that HE knew it would hurt my feelings and HE would rather keep it all to himself than to tell me and risk hurting me. 

Should I thank my lucky stars that I have people in my life who protect me so?  Or should I look inside myself to see why I'm so fragile that people don't think I'm strong enough to handle outside relationships or car accidents?

HE once told me that if HE ever contracted a fatal disease, HE wouldn't tell me.  HE wouldn't want me to worry, or treat him differently, or hurt me.  I won't claim to understand this selflessness....but maybe I can learn from the efforts made to protect me so that maybe I, too, can give protection to those I love.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy One Year Anniversary

It was one year ago today that I started A Contemporary Fairytale.  I remember thinking that I wanted a way to express my thoughts without talking to my friends, or to him....afterall, I was feeling a lot of stress about things and feeling a bit isolated.  And I was tired of feeling like a burden to everyone! 

So here it is.....and here it is exactly one year later.  My first post, An UnValentine's Day, was an expression of how unconventional yet loving our relationship is.  Maybe this will be a tradition every February 15th but tonight I am thinking of how amazing our very small interchange, on Valentine's Day, was with each other.  HE spent it with his daughter.  I spent it alone.  But I was happy.  Happier than I have been in a while. 

Him:  "Vons is filled with dudes buying shit :)"
Me:  "Soooooo funny"
Him:  They will buy anything.  So cheesy.  Glad our love and appreciation is every day of the year."
Me:  "Me too sweetheart.  I love you."

He bought me a bunch of pale orange tulips the day before as we strolled through the local farmer's market holding hands. 

Monday, February 7, 2011


I feel so lonely sometimes.  I feel ignored and taken for granted and unloved.  I know it's not true but sometimes people are so mean to me.  Maybe my hard exterior makes it so that people feel they can just say whatever they want to me and it will be ok.  Or maybe, I am too blunt with people and they are resentful so they just give it right back to me but in a mean-spirited way.

Others have their lives and things get busy and nothing is taken away from me but I feel scared that I will end up like my a nursing home with no visitors for weeks at a time...and a family who finds it more of a chore than a pleasure to sit with me while I die.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

HE Says...

...the sweetest things. 

"I'm sorry I didn't get to bang you today," HE says as HE hugs me goodbye.  "It's a shame it's not everyday."  I  think "It could be, silly," but realize saying that out loud would just take away from the intent of his words. 

It's hard for me to believe his sweetness is really for me, but I wouldn't want him to stop expressing himself like that for anything. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Until the day that you are me and I am you.....

A line from Stevie Wonder's "As".   Never really listened to this song before yesterday.  It's a beautiful tribute to someone that is loved immensely and will be "until", then Stevie describes all kinds of situations that could never happen.  Of course I think of him and all the lyrics describe how I feel. Listening to it, I feel bliss and happiness and love for him as much as the first time I realized I felt it. 

My learning of late has been mostly about the fact that HE is not me and I am not him.  Accepting the different ways we handle ourselves in situations is what the definition of love includes.  I missed that somewhere along the way.  I fell in love with him because HE was the same creature that HE is today, differences and all. 

Learning to trust that just because HE doesn't conduct his life as I do mine, doesn't take away from my life or our beautiful partnership.

We had a good day.  We toured a winery and talked and held hands and smiled at each other and enjoyed the amazingly beautiful day together.  HE stroked my hair, caressed my skin and I felt really good. 

I will miss him tonight.