Monday, November 29, 2010


It's funny how the world works.  I have been contemplating my finances for a while.  I won't say that the economy has "been rough" on me, but I have noticed that money seems to be spread thin these days.  As I ponder and strategize, I have been finding money on the ground.  Seriously, it's as if everywhere I look, there is change on the ground...pennies, dimes, quarters..... I haven't added up my found fortune but it has happened enough that it's caused me to think further.

Conversely, money has been falling from my wallet as well.  Pennies only, interestingly enough.  I look to see if my change section is zipped; it is, so I wonder if I just throw the change in without looking to see if it's in it's correct department.  I always bend down, pick it up, then place it in the zipped section.  Practice.  Consciousness towards my money.

Change is creating...change.  Consciousness towards any issue will bring it to light, causing actions that, hopefully, create a more positive outcome than the one previously practiced.  In this case, consciousness towards money issues will create a more positive way to handle it. 

Drop it, as in the case of late, versus throw it away, as in unplanned and frivolous purchases, are equal.  Keep the money in it's planned spot, as in what I've been practicing with my pennies, versus keeping the money in the bank (the planned spot), are also equal.

When I was in college, I used to "lose money".  The cash I'd walk out of the restaurant with was later found in a pocket, or an overnight bag.  $80, $200 was once found.  Money I didn't even miss.  Ahhh, those were the days.  Well, I think I will survey my luggage and packed away clothing.  Maybe I'll get lucky!

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